Peace Series (Part IV): Embracing the Messiness of Peacemaking / November 26, 2017 by Guest User ScripturesJames 3:18Isaiah 11:1-9 Embracing the Messiness of Peacemaking Sam Winn
Peace series (Part III): The Art of Peace / November 19, 2017 by Guest User ScripturesColossians 3:11-15John 18:33-38 The Art of Peace Andrew Buckwalter Fairfield
Peace series (Part II): Choose Your Weapon / November 12, 2017 by Guest User ScripturesEphesians 6:11-17Matthew 26: 47-56 Peace - Choose your weapon Andrew Buckwalter Fairfield
Peace series (Part I): War and Peace in the Bible / November 5, 2017 by Guest User ScripturesDeuteronomy 20:10-16Micah 3:5-12 War and Peace in the Bible Andrew Buckwalter Fairfield